10 Most Common Challenges Faced by Ecommerce Business


In 2022 eCommerce business is very competitive. Everyone can sell any product in marketplaces like Amazon.

And China is opening up to the world and technologies are now easy to use.

Here are the top 10 most common challenges faced by eCommerce businesses of any size.

1. Right Product to Find & Sell

Anyone can easily create an online store by using WordPress woocommerce or Shopify. So anybody can easily launch an online store within a few days and start selling products.

Platforms like Amazon is ruling the eCommerce world with their massive and various kind of product catalogs.

On the other hand, Aliexpress creates opportunities by giving access to Chinese manufacturers Within a few clicks.

It's very difficult for retailers to source unique products unless they decide to manufacture their own.

2. To Reach the perfect customer

Online shopping has changed due to the technological revolution. At present time anyone can easily use their device to search for a product they need not just on Google but also on huge marketplaces like Amazon. Before making a purchase they also can check product reviews from previous customers. Word of mouth or review plays an important role here.

But people change a lot of the ways how they communicate and consume content. And they get distracted easily by technology and social media.

So retailers must find out where their audience is and how to gain their attention efficiently without killing their marketing budget.

3. Generate Targeted Traffic

Retailers must not rely on one type of channel to catch traffic to their online cause Digital Marketing Channels are evolving day by day.

They must efficiently use SEO, Email marketing, social media marketing, PPC, display ads, retargeting, and shopping engines and use affiliates to drive traffic to their online store. Their website must have to be mobile responsive cause more than half the consumers visit shortly by using their mobile or tablet when they research.

In one word, Retailers must be ready and be visible where their audience is paying attention.

4. Catching Qualitiful Leads

Online retailers want to get more traffic it's normal nowadays to spend a significant amount of money. With conversion rates ranging between 1% to 3%, they must try hard to generate leads to get the best returns for their marketing efforts.

Building an email subscriber list can play a big role to achieve a long-term goal. Not only it will help you to communicate your message but also it will also allow you to prospect better using tools such as Facebook Custom Audiences.

Not all leads are created equally. Retailers must deliver the right message to the right audience in order to convert them into leads with hopes of turning them into customers.

5. Taking care of the ideal prospects

If you have a large list of emails and you’re not really caring or actively engaging with those subscribers it will be worthless.

Retailers must always deliver value to the subscribers because the percentage of the actual convention into paying customers must have to grow more.

Online retailers always give priority to communicating product offerings as well as promotions, but prospects always need more than that. Value and entertainment go a long way but that requires more work.

6. Converting Visitors into paying customer

To close a sale it's important to drive more traffic as well as nurture the leads. To call a marketing campaign successful you need to regain the money you have spent back in your pocket and its on possible when you convert leads into paying customers.

Retailers must always try hard to convert both email subscription leads as well as website visitors into customers. Conversion optimization is a continuous process.

7. Retaining Customer

Gaining new customers is more expensive and hard than retaining the current ones you already have.

Tactics that help retailers should apply to increase their most of customer base by increasing customer lifetime value.

8. Achieving profitable long-term growth

To run a business for the long term it should grow not only by the increase of sales but also it mainly needs to be profitable.

Retailers must always find ways to cut inventory costs, improve marketing efficiency, reduce overhead, reduce shipping costs and control order returns.

9. Always choose the right technology & partners

Retailers may face growth challenges and lack of decent and right technology or they’ve hired the partner or agencies to help them but they ruin it.

Selecting a good technology foundation will help retainers to achieve growth. They must choose the right inventory management software, shopping cart solution, email software, CRM systems, analytics and so much more.

In addition, Online retailers must have to care about their selection because hiring the wrong partners or agencies or overseeing marketing campaigns may also pull you below or limit your growth.

10. Attract and hire the right people to make it all happen

It's very true that retailers want perfect people to help them carry out their desire so they can catch their goals.

Online retailers may have visions and aspirations.

The main key to gaining desirable business growth is attracting the right talented people. The right leadership from the right leader plays an even bigger role.

By being a part of the eCommerce conference retailers should be getting their name out within the online community, speaking at events, and networking.

Employees want to work for companies that care about them and their future.

Having a sense of purpose is the key.

Your Turn

Don't forget to comment below What's your biggest eCommerce challenge you face or do you think?


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